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Welcome to DocMD.com!
The Ultimate physician and healthcare resource. DocMD.com is an internet site that provides new information and links to useful medical information available on the internet.

Feature Site:

   DocMD.com recommends visiting the BleedingWeb.com, the Bleeding Information Source, an internet site designed for physicians and other health care personnel who want information about bleeding, coagulation, and hemostasis, including therapeutic approaches.

Recommended Site

HeparinInducedThrombocytopenia.com - designed for physicians and other health care personnel who want information about topics related to the pathophysiology, pharmacology, and clinical aspects of heparin induced thrombocytopenia.

Your source for great food and wine on the net!

Medical Links
Medical Reference and sites for clinicians.

MedLine Access
National Library of Medicine's online database.

Adverse Reactions
Information on adverse drug reactions and anaphylaxis.

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U.S. National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. PubMed comprises more than 19 million citations for biomedical articles from MEDLINE and life science journals.

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